Author’s checklist

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  • Author’s checklist

1. General provisions
  • ☐ The authors should ensure that the contents of the present manuscript have not been published nor intended to be published in other journals.
  • ☐ The manuscript should be formatted as follows: A4 paper, 12 point font, left-aligned, double-spaced.
  • ☐ An original article should be presented in the following order: cover page, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, references, and captions and legends for tables and figures.
2. Cover page
  • ☐ This section should indicate the contact information of the corresponding author: postal code, address, phone number, fax number, and email address.
  • ☐ A running title should be given in 10 words or less.
3. Abstract and Keywords
  • ☐ The abstract should be written in one paragraph that is within 250 words.
  • ☐ Upto ten keywords should be included (preferably those recommended in MeSH of Index Medicus; the first letter of each key word should be capitalized).
4. Main text
  • ☐ The title should not include abbreviations; all the words must be spelled out.
  • ☐ Information regarding approval of an institutional review board and obtaining informed consent should be mentioned in the Method section.
  • ☐ References should be numbered in Arabic numbers in the order they are cited.
  • ☐ Superscript numbers should come after commas and periods according to submission rules.
  • ☐ When using abbreviations, their full forms should be used at first mention; abbreviations/acronyms should then be used consistently in further occurrences.
  • ☐ Units of measure should be written in accordance with submission rules (except for % and °C, a space should come between the number and the unit of measure).
  • ☐ For numbers, a comma should be inserted after every third digit.
  • ☐ All statistical methods used should be described accurately in detail.
5. References
  • ☐ In-text citations should be numbered and should correspond to the numbers in the references.
  • ☐ Up to six authors should be mentioned. In case there are seven or more authors, “et al.” must come after the primary author.
  • ☐ Official abbreviations of quoted journals must be used.
  • ☐ Year, volume, and start page–end page of the quoted literature should be accurately mentioned.
  • ☐ The first letter of the title of the quoted article should be capitalized.
  • ☐ Compliance with quotation styles should be observed.
  • ☐ The manuscript should comply with quotation rules in case a book has separate authors by chapter.
6. Table
  • ☐ Each table must have its own title and be given a separate page.
  • ☐ All abbreviations used in the table should be spelled out.
  • ☐ All superscript numbers used in the table should comply with the contribution rules.
7. Figures
  • ☐ Each figure should be produced in a separate file and should not be included in the main text.
  • ☐ The file name of each figure should be the figure number.
  • ☐ Figures can be black and white or in color; they will be published as submitted.
  • ☐ The titles and legends of the figures should be concisely drafted on a separate page in English.
  • ☐ The figures should be explained in complete sentences, not phrases or clauses.
  • ☐ All abbreviations should be written out.
  • ☐ When a figure contains several pictures, the explanation of the figure should be followed by that of each picture, distinguishing them as A, B, C, etc.

Journal of
Medicine and
Life Science

Online ISSN: 2671-4922

Editorial Office
102, Jejudaehak-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do 63243, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-64-754-8023    E-mail:                

Copyright © 2025 by Jeju National University Institute for Medical Science.

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