선천성 난청을 동반한 일측성 와우신경 부전증 1예 |
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A case of unilateral cochlear nerve deficiency with congenital hearing loss |
Han-Bin Jang, Dong Young Kim, Chan Il Song, Se-Hyung Kim |
Abstract |
The narrow bony cochlear nerve canal in high resolution temporal bone computed tomography (TBCT) is frequently found in
patients of congenital sensorineural hearing loss. But this bony structural anomaly could not conclude the functional outcome of
cochlear nerve. Here we present a case of a 10-month-old girl having unilateral narrow bony cochlear nerve canals. In internal
auditory magnetic resonance imaging (IAC MRI), the right cochlear nerve was not identified to be intact. Moreover, acoustic
brainstem response threshold and automated acoustic brainstem response revealed nearly deaf hearing threshold. Therefore we
suggest that congenital hearing loss patients take TBCT and IAC MRI to rule out the narrow bony cochlear nerve canal. |
Key Words:
cochlear nerve deficiency; magnetic resonance imaging; sensorineural hearing loss; unilateral hearing loss |