우연히 발견된 장간막의 단중심성 형질세포형 Castleman 병 1예 : 초음파와 CT소견 중심으로 |
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Incidentally Found Unicentric Plasma Cell Variant Castleman’s Disease in Mesentery : Focus on Ultrasonography and CT findings |
Hyun Min Kim, Bong Soo Kim, In Ho Jung, Chang Lim Hyun, Seung Wook Jung, Jae Min Jo |
Jeju National University School of Medicine Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Jeju National University Hospital Department of General Surgery, Jeju National University Hospital Department of Pathology, Jeju National University Hospital Department of Internal Medicine, Jeju National University Hospital |
Bong Soo Kim, Email: 671228kbs@naver.com |
Abstract |
Castleman's disease is a benign lympho-proliferative disorder that commonly occurs in mediastinum. It is known that the disease rarely occurs in mesentery. Most localized abdominal Castleman’s diseases are histologically hyaline vascular type. The contrast-enhanced CT in patient with hyaline vascular type Castleman's disease shows a well-defined mass with homogenously intense enhancement. On the other hand, the patient with plasma cell variant has systemic symptoms, but not specific imaging features. We report a unicentric plasma cell variant Castleman’s disease in mesentery nearby superior mesenteric artery as presenting a single mass, not accompanied by systemic symptoms with similar characteristics to hyaline vascular type. |
Key Words:
Castleman, Disease/diagnostic, imaging, Retroperitoneal, Space, Mesentery, Computed |