제주산 홍해삼에서 분리한 collagen 의 human fibroblast cell growth 에미치는 영향 |
임희경, 조문제 |
제주대학교 의과대학 생화학교실 |
Effect of collagen purified from red sea cucumber (Stichopus japonicus) in Jeju on growth of human fibroblast cells |
Hee Kyung Lim, Monnjae Cho |
Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine and Institute of Medicala Science, Jeju, Korea |
Monnjae Cho, Email: moonjcho@cheju.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Pepsin-solubilized collagen (PSC) from red sea cucumber (Stichopus japanicus) was purified to study the effects on human fibroblast cell line. PSC(1.92g) was purified out of 100g of sea cucumber body. SDS-PAGE analysis of purified PSC indicated that collagen from sea cucumber was α1ß type collagen type I. The PSC did not have cytotoxicity on various cell Iines. The treatment of PSC to human fibroblast cells increase the mRNA of MMP-1 gene not that of MMP-2 compared to untreated control. However, in case of MMP-2, mRNA is decreased upon PSC treatment. Treatment of PSC suppressed the synthesis of collagen in vivo. Unlike to fibroblast, keratinocyte reduced the MMP-2 production upon PSC treatment. |
Key Words:
red sea cucumber; Stichopus japanicus; collagen; MMP-1; MMP-2; Fibroblast |