톳의 모유두 세포 증식 효능 |
강정일1, 김상철1, 김민경1, 부혜진1, 김은지1, 전유진2, 유은숙1, 강희경1 |
1제주대학교 의학전문대학원 약리학교실 2아쿠아그린텍(주) |
Effect of Hizkia fusiforme Okamura on the proliferation of dermal papilla celIs |
Jung-Il Kang1, Sang-Cheol Kim1, Min-Kyoung Kim1, Hye-Jin Boo1, Eun-Ji Kim1, You-Jin Jeon2, Eun-Sook Yoo1, Hee-Kyoung Kang1 |
1Department of pharmacology, Jeju National University School of medicine, Jeju of Korea 2Aqua Green Technology Co., Ltd., Jeju-do, Republic of Korea |
Hee-Kyoung Kang, Email: pharmkhk@jejunu.ac.kr |
Abstract |
This study was conducted to evaluate the hair-growth effects of seaweeds in Jeju by the proliferation of dermal papilla cells. Dermal papilla cells are mesenchymally-derived cells which play a pivotal role in the morphogenesis, regeneration, and growth of hair. Immortalized vibrissa dermal papilla cells were treated with algae extracts such as extract of Hizkia fusiform Okamura, extract of Padina arborescens Holmes, extract of Sargassum thunbergil, extract of Gelidium amansii, and extract of Grateloupia turuturu Yamada. Among them, the extract of H. fusiforme significantly increased proliferation of immortalized vibrissa dermal papilla cells. The results suggest that H. fusiforme extract has the potentiat to promote hair growth via the proliferation of dermal papilla cells. |
Key Words:
hair growth; Hizkia fusiforme Okamura; dermal papilla cells |