자궁근종의 보존적 치료를 위한 고주파 근종용해술 |
유준재1, 김성엽2 |
1제주대학교 의과대학 의학과 2제주대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실 |
Radiofrequency myolysis for conservative management of uterine myoma |
Jun Jae Yoo1, Sung Yob Kim2 |
1Department of Medicine, Cheju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology College of Medicine, Cheju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea |
Sung Yob Kim, Email: mdkim66@cheju.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Radiofrequency myolysis has benefits in conserving the uterus, and less invasive and has great effect on the reduction of size of the myomas and improving the symptoms. So this method could be a effective alternative treatment for uterine myomas. But the complication and side effect of radiofrequency myolysis had not been published. |
Key Words:
Radiofrequency myolysis, Uterine myoma |