구순하 접근법에 의한 비순낭종의 수술적 치료 |
김세형1, 임길채1, 최승효1, 현창림2, 김정홍1 |
1제주대학교 의학전문대학원 이비인후과학교실 2제주대학교 의학전문대학원 병리학교실 |
Surgical enucleation of nasolabial cyst by sublabial approach |
Se-Hyung Kim1, Gil Chai Lim1, Seung Hyo Choi1, Chang Lim Hyun2, Jeong Hong Kim1 |
1Department of Otorhinotaryngology, Jeju National University School of Medicine, Jeju, Korea 2Department of Pathology, Jeju National University School of Medicine, Jeju, Korea |
Jeong Hong Kim, Email: sevent70@hanmail.net |
Abstract |
Nasolabial Cyst (also known as nasoalveolar or Klestadt’s cyst) is a rare soft tissue lesion that occurs in the region of the maxillary lip and atar base. It is usually unilaterally developmental, rather than inflammation, in origin and arises from non-odontogenic epithelium. The typical clinical feature of nasolabial cyst is a slowly enlarging asymptomatic swelling in the nasoalar base caused by a smooth and fluctuant space occupying mass. Nasolabial cyst is Iikely to remain undetected unless and until it becomes infected or associated with facial deformity. This report documents the presentation and management of nasolabial cyst in a 54-year-old female with complaint of swelling and tenderness lateral to right ala of nose for approximately 2 years and completely enucleated by sublabial surgical approach. |
Key Words:
Nasolabial Cyst, Sublabial approach |