2000년 제주도 암발생자의 의료이용 양상 분석 |
양영자1, 고여주1, 이상이2, 배종면1 |
1제주대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실, 2제주대학교 의과대학 의료관리학교실 |
Utilization Patterns of Medical Services in Cancer Incidents, Jejudo |
Yeong-Ja Yang1, Yeo-Ju Ko1, Sang-Yi Lee2, Jong-Myon Bae1 |
1Department of Preventive Medicine, Cheju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea 2Department of Health Policy & Management College of Medicine, Cheju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea |
Jong-Myon Bae, Email: jmbae@cheju.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Objectives While the cancer is the leading cause of death in Jeju residents, it is important social issue that cancer incidents have to utilize medical services out of the province. The aim is to evaluate the patterns of utilization of medical services among cancer incidents, Jejudo.
Methods The subject was the cancer incident in 2000 who registered on the database of Jejudo Regional Cancer Registry. The patterns of utilization of medical services were identified by the medical claim database of National Health Insurance Cooperation.
Results Among the 1,164 subjects, 55.9% were first diagnosed at a medical service out the province. The bone marrow was the most primary cancer site among the subjects being diagnosed at a medical service out the province. Among the patients who were first diagnosed at a medical service in the province, 6.8% utilized another medical service out the province at the second visit. Thus, 59% of the subject utilized medical services out the province.
Conclusions These results showed the dependence of the Jeju residents on medical services for cancer patients situated out the province. It is urgently necessary to construct the total system of cancer controls in Jeju island. |
Key Words:
Neoplasm, Utilization Review |