간호학 방법론으로의 Foucault의 담론분석 |
이은주 |
제주대학교 의과대학 간호학과 및 의과학연구소 |
Foucault’s Discourse Analysis as a Methodology in Nursing |
Eun-Joo Lee |
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine and Institute of Medical Science, Cheju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea |
Eun-Joo Lee, Email: flym2m@cheju.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Discourse analysis is a methodology, focuses on the sociocultural and political context in which text and narrative occur. This paper was to introduce Foucaults discourse analysis as a methodology and to inspire the related researches in nursing. It delineated the discourse theory, and major concepts, the discourse analysis, and analysed the typology of the related nursing researches. There were two typed researches: Some papers revealed and explained the state of nursing as a disciplinary used Foucault's theoretical concepts, and persuaded the usefulness of discourse analytic approach. And others employed the discourse analysis as methodology, collected and analysed the data according it's method. The products of the discourse analytic approach in nursing could support the methodological pluralism and it's inevitability. Those could reveal the effects of dominant discourse (traditional science, medicine, administration, sexism and professionalism) to the nursing a through the mechanism of the oppression and restriction, and suggest the new vision for nursing to construct the resistant discourse. This methodology had s이ne limitations as other qualitative methodologies and postmodernist theories. When nursing researchers understand the methodological characteristics of discourse analysis, it could be used to construct the fruitful nursing knowledge body. |
Key Words:
Discourse analysis, methodology, nursing |