말기 신부전 환자에 시행한 동정맥루술의 수술 기법의 분석 |
이홍섭, 장지원 |
제주대학교 의과대학 흉부외과학 교실 |
Analysis of Surgical technique of A-V fistula formation in patients of ESRD |
Hong-Sup Lee, Jee-Won Chang |
Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, College of Medicine, Cheju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea |
Hong-Sup Lee, Email: hongss@hanafos.com |
Abstract |
Objective The study's aim was to analyse the current method of Arteriovenous fistula operation and to find the proper method of operation.
Methods A retrospective study of 44 Arteriovenous fistula operation for hemodialysis at Cheju National Hospital between April 2002 and November 2003.
Results Thirty six autogenous fistula, 8 prosthetic graft were available for evaluation. The incidence of Prosthetic graft was 18%. There are 25 radiocephalic fistula, 9 brachiocephalic or brachiocubital fistula and 2 ulnobasilic fistulas. 38 patients were successful and used for dialysis, but 3 lost in follow-up, I clotted in immediate postoperative period, 1 died before dialysis and 1 failed to mature.
Conclusions The proper selection of patients and method of artiovenous fistula operation can be reduce the incidence of artificial graft fistulas and increase the patency rate. |
Key Words:
Arteriovenous fistula formation, fistula, vascular access |