방광암환자의 근치적 방광적출술후 장기 추적 관찰 결과 |
김영주, 허정식 |
제주대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학 교실 |
Long-term follow-up of radical cystectomy for patients with bladder cancer |
You ng-Joo Kim, Jung-Sik Huh |
Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Cheju National University,Jeju 69-756, Korea |
Jung-Sik Huh, Email: urohjs@cheju.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Purpose Radical cystectomy continues to be one of the primary modalities of treatment for locally advanced bladder cancer. However, Nearly half of the patients die from the disease within 5 years. We retrospectively evaluated patients with radical cystectomy in order to determine the prognostic factors on survival after radical cystectomy.
Material and Methods Between 1981 and 2001, 46 patients underwent radical cystectomy for bladder cancer.
Indications for surgery included muscle invasion bladder cancer, superficial bladder cancer refractory to intravesical therapy and multifocal stage TIG3. The survival rate according to each factor was calculated by Kaplan-Meier method. Statistics was determined by the log-rank test.
Results Mean patient age was 64.13 years for 38 men and 8 w이nen. The estimated 5-year survival for the 46 patients who underwent radical cystectomy was 56%. The 10-years survival was 50% for 10 patients with Tl, 25% for 20 patients with T2, 0% for 13 patients with more than T3. Prognosis was significantly worse for 2 patients with compared to the 41% patients vascular invasion (p<0.05). There was significantly better 5-year survival for 33 patients without compared to 8 patients with lymphatic invasion (p<0.05). But no significant difference was noted in grade. There was statistically significant difference in survival between transitional cell carcinoma and sarcomatoid cancer. The mean time to local recurrence was 34 months and mean durations of survival were 12 months. Most common early complication was urine leakage.
Conclusion Our data showed that patients with organ-confined cancer had favorable 5-year and 10-year survival. Prognostic factor affecting survival rate was stage, vascular invasion, tumor cell type and lymphatic invasion. The prognosis of patients with local recurrence is poor regardless of therapy. |
Key Words:
Radical cystectomy, survival, prognostic factor |