대퇴 골두치환술 후 탈구된 노인 환자에서
도수 정복을 위한 초음파 유도하하지신경차단술 |
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Ultrasound-guided lower extremity nerve block to facilitate the closed reduction of a
dislocated hip prosthesisin Geriatric Patient |
Jong Bin Kim, Suk Ju Cho |
Suk Ju Cho, |
Abstract |
Hip dislocation constitutes an orthopaedic emergency.Prosthetic hip dislocation is an unfortunate complication for patients who
have previously undergone total hip arthroplasty.A 75-year-old female was scheduled for the closed reduction of hip
dislocation which occurred 12hours ago by the accident. We performed combined nerve blocks (femoral, lateral femoral
cutaneous) with 20 ml of 0.25% ropivacaine with intravenous sedation for the closed reduction of righthip joint. The procedure
was performed uneventfully and the patient was kept stable hemodynamically. |
Key Words:
Hip dislocation, Femoralnerve block, ultrasound |